With already 160 years of existence, Fer à Cheval creates original Marseille soap using an age-old recipe and traditional techniques passed down through each generation of master soap-maker.
Their factory is proud to continue to craft a key product in Marseille culture with respect for tradition, attention to detail and – it has to be said – a great deal of love...

Genuine Marseille Soap Collection
Scented Marseille Soap Collection
Home & Laundry Collection
Pack sizes vary from 8 to 24 units
Please email enquiries@bloomartisanbrands.co.uk for our current price list.
In the 19th century it was customary to give your soap factory or brand an expression, word or another phrase evoking happiness and luck to make the business prosper. With the name Fer à Cheval (horseshoe) proudly accompanying the symbol stamped with seven nails, success and fortune were sure to follow the company.
Fer a Cheval remain the oldest Marseille soap factory to perpetuate its production using an age-old recipe and they like to believe that the name will continue to bring them good luck